Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Catch Up

outback bowl pep rally..sheikra rollar coaster in background :)
kendall and me on christmas

molly and me in dallas!

me and a friend at a party

me and my best friend in the world, molly!

happy halloween!!

kisses for aubie

well hey ya'll, it's been a while. things have changed a bit since the last time i wrote. people i considered best friends "forgot" me, causing quite an emotionally painful fall semester. a lot of anger and a lot of tears. then comes christmas break/new year and i finally accept that there are some things that will never get an answer to the question "why?" and that i didn't do anything wrong and it wasn't my fault. recently i was able to finally talk to these people and explain all of the hurt i felt and they apologized, sincerely. the reasoning to them was they were so busy and they weren't purposefully ignoring me and after i tried to talk to them around october they realized i was hurt and angry, and decided to let me "cool off". this was dumb of them, i mean, hello!, it's me..i would never have thought of that. ugh! so anyway, now i have to decide if i can let the hurt go and forget. because i've forgiven them, i just need to figure out if i want them in my lives. this may seem a little dramatic that i would consider letting go forever these two friends after this but i promise there is other stuff that i don't care to discuss on a blog. this whole thing was the icing on the cake of a very rocky end to summer.

well anyways with this i've made new friends who seem to want me around and are guinuenly happy when i come to hangout. but still it was especially hard early on in the semester. being around them made me so sad it hurt. but little by little the hurt eased. yeah i still miss "the group" but maybe i'm better off this way. change happens and it has to be accepted or else you'll go crazy. living in the past does absolutely nothing for you. besides focus on the past=missing out on the present=bad! so..

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Ok, in other news. AUMB was as fun as ever! we did a spicy latin show that included gorgeous flags, high kicks, splits, and all around sassy hip shakin! we also did a fun show that included a gospel tune, when the saints go marching in, and south ramparts. how many times does halloween fall on a home football saturday? not we go to do such a fun theme show including thriller (of course), night on bald mountain, the shining/halloween movie themes, and phantom of the opera. cap off the season with a fantastic bowl trip to tampa for a week! :)

parties and boys and such were fun too. :) the fun stuff that comes a long with college. oh and i learned how to really study. ended the semester with a good GPA! :)

oh yeah..and i've finally decided on my major. im going to be a nurse...most likely a pediatric nurse to be more accurate. i really want to be able to maybe help a child and if i cannot do that, at least make their trip to the doctor- whether it's for a check up or for a serious illness- a little more fun..maybe bring a smile to a hurting face.


Shannon said...

Love you sweety! A nurse, you nearly made me cry...

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